
Red Hat Satellite 6.10 is now available



Red Hat Satellite 6.10 is now available to download. The errata and documentation for the release can be found as follows:

If you are running Satellite 6.9 and using custom certificates, you will likely find the following article of interest:

This release also involves migrating from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3. This can be a time-consuming process so be sure to read the advice in the upgrade guide:

The time to prepare content for Pulp 3 depends on the amount of content and the number of content views. For large systems, this can mean several days of downtime. To prevent this, pre-migrate Pulp content while running the latest version of Satellite Server 6.9. This reduces the overall upgrade downtime.


According to the Red Hat Satellite Product Life Cycle Satellite 6.9 is still under maintenance support until April 2022, and becomes end of life in October 2022 so there’s ample time to move to Satellite 6.10. However, once you do upgrade to Satellite 6.10, this release does not go end of life until November 2023 so there’s an argument for upgrading early so you can give yourself time to prepare for any Satellite 7 releases that may appear in 2022.

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