
Graphical Container Management Tools

Linux containers

Linux Containers

Linux Journal recently posted a great article titled The Search for a GUI Docker which covered a number of different graphical tools you can use to manage Linux containers.  The article does a nice job of showing the capabilities of each of the tools, links to which can be found below:

As a RHEL user, I’d probably recommended giving Cockpit a go.  If you’re new to Cockpit, the Red Hat Blog post Linux system administration via the management console: Cockpit details the steps needed to get started.  The official documentation for RHEL 7 can be found can be found here: Getting Started With Cockpit.  To install, simply enable the rhel-7-server-extras-rpms and rhel-7-server-optional-rpms channels and a yum install cockpit cockpit-dashboard will have you up and running in no time.  Once installed, take a look at Make Container Management Easy With Cockpit.

If you prefer to manage your container pods with podman, it’s worth checking out A remote API for Podman. This post details what’s needed to “allow other tools like Atomic CLI and Cockpit to interact with the pods/containers created by Podman and other tools”.

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